
We Are At Your Service

At Hometown Veterinary Care, we're dedicated to providing your furry family member with the very best quality of care. We understand the importance of having a veterinary provider who is devoted to both you and your pet. Our comprehensive range of services addresses your pet’s individual veterinary needs, from their first checkup to their golden years. You can rely on us for every step of the journey! If you have any questions about our services, or if you would like to schedule an appointment, don't hesitate to contact us.

At Hometown Veterinary Care, we champion preventative care as the best way to promote the overall health of our furry friends. Regular checkups and routine laboratory tests enable us to create a benchmark for your pet's health and make us aware of any alterations that could point toward potential problems.

We highly advocate scheduling appointments with us for regular examinations. Unrecognized health problems can become more severe if left untreated, so veterinary checkups are essential even if your pet seems hale and hearty. We recommend yearly physicals for both animals and humans; if your cat or dog is elderly or has long-term medical conditions, they may require checkups more frequently (at least every six months). After all, a year is a long time in a pet's life.

Surgical Care

At Hometown Veterinary Care, we are proud to provide our clients with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment for all surgical services. From standard spaying and neutering to more advanced and highly specialized procedures, our hospital is fully equipped to handle all of your pet’s needs.

Our veterinary team will personally guide you through the entire process, ensuring that you have the information necessary to make an informed decision regarding your pet’s treatment. We understand that surgery can be a stressful experience for pet owners, and we are here to provide support and answer any questions you may have throughout the process.

X-Ray Services

It can be challenging to detect and diagnose illnesses in our furry friends with just the naked eye, as they often try their best to conceal them. To ensure your pet’s preventive and wellness care, our animal care team of professionally trained veterinarians employ state-of-the-art, noninvasive technologies to assess and diagnose a number of pet health issues such as bladder stones, hip dysplasia, kidney and urinary problems, pregnancy exams, congenital heart problems, and more. We use ultrasound technology to make advanced diagnoses without causing unnecessary stress or pain to your pet. Additionally, digital radiography and x-rays allow us to quickly decrease the time your pet spends on the x-ray table.


Having a pet with a healthy smile can be one of the most rewarding experiences! That's why we prioritize dental care for all our furry friends - it's one of the best ways to keep them healthy and happy as they age. During each physical examination, we carefully check for any signs of dental issues and take necessary steps to ensure optimal oral hygiene. Our knowledgeable and experienced team is equipped to handle all types of dental concerns, with the ultimate goal of helping your pet maintain a beautiful, healthy smile for years to come!

On-Site Laboratory

At Hometown Veterinary Care, we strive to provide the quickest, most cost-effective service possible, which is why we offer an array of on-site tests, including blood tests, pre-anesthetic workups, and more. This means you don't have to wait for results overnight - your pet will receive a diagnosis and the necessary treatment faster.

However, there may be cases where we need to send samples to an external lab for further testing. In these instances, we are more than happy to do so to obtain the most accurate and timely results for your pet.

Micro Chipping

We have countless heartwarming stories of how microchipping has reunited owners with their beloved pets. It is an essential part of responsible pet ownership. The microchip is inserted through a quick and easy injection and contains all the necessary information to contact the pet owner when scanned.

In-House Pharmacy

We're proud to offer a comprehensive selection of pharmaceuticals, vitamins, shampoos, flea and tick control products, heartworm preventatives, and prescription diets to meet the needs of your pet. Plus, our convenient online pharmacy allows you to have all your orders delivered directly to your door.

Parasite Prevention

Parasites can be an insidious medical issue, with potentially serious consequences if left untreated or preventable. Our pets, their age, and the region they reside in are several factors that make them particularly vulnerable.

Fortunately, preventative measures and pharmaceuticals can effectively protect your pet from parasites. The expense of prevention is much less costly than treatment, not to mention the added emotional stress it can cause to you and your pet. In some cases, such as heartworms, the stakes are even higher as it can be fatal. Therefore, prevention is absolutely essential.

Nutritional Counseling

Choosing the right food for your puppy or kitten is just the first step of providing the best nutrition plan for your pet throughout its life. We provide the best diets so your pet can lead a vibrant, healthy lifestyle - and we're here to help if they ever become ill. At our clinic, we understand just how important it is to make sure your pet receives the best nutrition to stay happy and healthy, and we're happy to advise you on the best path to do so during your visits.

Emergency Care 

Our trained, equipped veterinarians and personnel are on duty six days a week to provide urgent care for your pet if an emergency arises. If you think that your pet is in need of emergency treatment, don't hesitate to call us right away.

For non-life-threatening urgent care cases, our veterinarians can often "squeeze" you in between scheduled appointments. To ensure that we can accommodate you and your pet, we ask that you give us a call ahead of time so that we can check availability. We're only able to "squeeze" certain days and times, so be sure to get in contact with us soon.

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